Discover the Top Software Product Demo Videos that Will Inspire You.


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Creating the perfect product for your customers is only step number one. There’s still the challenge of having to show it to the world most effectively and efficiently.

The solution is simple: Product Demo Videos.

If I’m guessing right, that’s why you’re here. We’ve compiled a list of 15 of the best product demo videos out there for you to get inspiration from.

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15 Best Product Demo Videos of 2023

You’ll notice that every video is different, and has a unique quality that makes it stand out from the others. That’s what you need to aim for in your video as well.

With that said, here’s the list.

1. Slack

Slack has been a brand that has consistently produced amazing videos for their marketing purposes. This one titled, Learn about Slack, is no different.

Entirely made with screengrabs of the app in use and a cheerful and simple voiceover, this video beautifully explains everything you need to know about the app, including how to use it. 

The tutorial is made even easier to follow with the subtle mouse clicks and keyboard sounds to guide the viewer onto what’s happening on the screen. 

All of Slack’s benefits are not just told, but clearly shown in less than three minutes, including the ease of access and the numerous integrations with other apps. 

Like I said, Slack knows how to make their videos count!

2. Headspace

This personal meditation guide has been popular for quite some time since its release. But here’s the thing - how do you sell meditation?

Headspace figured it out!

Using a simple blend of 2D animation, a friendly voice-over, and a bucket load of relatable scenarios, this video is educational and inclusive. educational and inclusive.

The video starts with a powerful statement. Right off the bat it explains the benefits of meditation, immediately hooking a very wide audience. And let's face it, in this fast-paced world we are in right now, we could all use a little peace and calm. 

You'll notice that the video has no soundtrack. Instead, it uses a soothing voice-over and natural sound effects like leaves rustling to enhance the experience of peace.

And of course let's not forget the cute and quirky animated characters that include all sorts of personalities and characters, making it relatable to a large audience.

It's a very smart video, making it one of the best product demo videos out there. 

3. Soapbox

Soapbox, by Wistia, is a product demo video maker itself. So yes it had to be grand.

How do they do it? 

Wistia partnered with Sandwich Video to come up with three quirky product demo videos (yes, three!) revolving around the same concept, script, and characters.

The difference was the budget - first being $1,000, second $10,000 and the third $100,000.


The point was to show that you could create a product demo video that works on any budget without compromising on quality. And boy, they nailed it!

Like any other video from Sandwich Video, you have to watch it to see what I mean. I'm sure you will enjoy it!

4. Apple

If you want to learn how to create hype among your audience, watch Apple's videos. 

First and foremost, the title "Apple's Big News in 108 Seconds" immediately creates a sense of urgency. The video is precisely just that - urgent. 

The soundtrack and video editing is super fast-paced - blink and you'll miss it. But that's not a problem because this video demands attention right from the start. 

The soundtrack is powerful, every transition is flawless and the entire video is fluidic. It oozes boldness.

And the best part? There are three products in this video and it doesn't feel too much. It's the perfect amount of everything. 

5. Duolingo

This product demo video by Duolingo shows the power of simplicity. 

The video uses the app's infamous gamification design and style to show the various features of the app in an extremely simple and understandable format.

Nothing too much or too little. 

In this case, simplicity is important because it shows just how easy the app is to use. 

And the way it showcases a bunch of different languages for each example is great because it appeals to a large audience.

This video is proof that sometimes simplicity is key.


The biggest challenge of online shopping is the skepticism of whether you get what you pay for. 

IKEA eliminates that with their augmented reality app, IKEA Place.

The video does a wonderful job of explaining what the app does with the help of step-by-step walkthroughs and real-life scenarios, including the kind of issues you might run into with normal online shopping.

It is a very straightforward and simple video but the best part about it is that it's relatable to an audience of various different locations and homes.

7. Apple Card

Here's another crisp, dramatic product demo video from Apple. This time it's for their new credit card - Apple Card (thought iCard? Ha).

I've got one word for this - eye-candy

The explanation is clear. The soundtrack and sound effects are brilliant. The animation is as direct as it can be. The movements are almost life-like.

But that's not the best part about it.

Apple is known for boldness, and they prove that by showing the viewers why their credit card is better than its competitors. 

From nonexistent service fees to interest-free transactions - I mean who wouldn't be enticed by that? 

Like I said, bold.

8. Google Assistant

Everybody knows about Google Assistant (I'm using it right now!). This 125-second animated demo video is to exhibit Google assistant on a variety of smart displays. And as always, it's done beautifully.

The video uses simple, line-drawn 2D animations and a script that is as minimalistic as it gets. The voiceover doesn't explain anything. Rather, it's portrayed as a question and answer session between the person and Google Assistant. 

Using a range of real-life scenarios, the viewers are shown how the product works and how easy it is to work with. 

All of this combined focuses the viewer's attention right from the beginning. It hooks the audience because it shows the product in use rather than simply tell. 

This video was more about the experience and that's why it's one of the best product demo videos.

9. Zazzle

It's always a good idea to start by highlighting a pain point. It immediately hooks the viewer and keeps them glued to the screen until they have a solution.

That's the trick Zazzle used in this video. They started with a pain point and went on to explain how their product works and solves it.

Apart from this, the goofy animations and the quirky script make this video an absolute treat to watch. That element of humor in the video makes it even more engaging for the viewer. 

Overall, this is a brilliantly done product demo video.

10. Duolingo

As I mentioned early on with the first Duolingo video, they've aced the simplicity game. 

The video starts with social proof, quoting The Wall Street Journal, “Far and away the best free language-learning app.” 

Unlike the previous one, this one uses a voiceover, but even that is as simple and easy as it gets. Briefly but precisely explaining the features and key points of the app, highlighting the infamous gamification aspect of it, they've made this video short, sweet and just the right amount for a perfect product demo video. 

11. Nespresso

Like any good product demo video, this demo doesn't sell just the product. It sells an experience. 

Everything about this video looks lavish and luxurious. Right from the chill music to the spacious apartment to the exquisite portrayal of the Nespresso coffee machine, this video lures the audience to want to try it as well. 

It's very simple yet extremely effective and that's why this video is on the list.

12. Grammarly

Just like the previous video, Grammarly actually shows their service in action, highlighting all the important features that make their app perfect for their audience. 

What makes this video better is the fact that it's directed to a large and general audience. Simply highlighting the importance of good writing, they show how their app benefits all. 

This is in fact a very good approach if you want to attract new customers. By showing them all the features and benefits of your product, they are already accustomed to what you have to offer. 

13. Phonesoap

A phone charger that uses UV to disinfect your mobile phone. Now who wouldn't be interested?!

That's Phonesoap. And their product demo video is just as interesting as the concept.

The trick was simple. Juxtaposition.

They started the video with a deep meditation on the mobile phone. And suddenly, they end the serious tone with, "...and it's got poo-poo on it!" 

How would you feel if you heard that your phone has 18 times more bacteria than a public restroom?

Exactly. Now you want a solution. 

And now Phonesoap has you engaged. It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable.

Of course, the animation and music complement the video beautifully, making it even better to watch. 

Overall, Phonesoap nailed their product demo video.

14.  FridaBaby

This weird video it's straight-up hilarious, brutally honest, and downright disgusting. In other words, this is a brilliant product demo video.

The most important element of this video was the pain points. Fridababy makes it a point to poke parents where it hurts the most. 

Without trying to hide the 'ick' factors involved in taking care of a baby, they beautifully demonstrate why and how their products are suitable for parents all over the world. In fact they use the 'ick' factor to drive home a need for their product. 

The animations were not much either. Just like the rest of the video, they were as simple and effective as it could get. 

There's one other thing I loved about this video. Even though it was to demonstrate the snotsucker, I love how they subtly added in another product for another problem that parents have to deal with, raising their curiosity and need in the process. 

15.  Reboo

Like I mentioned earlier, when you start with a problem or a pain point, you're bound to capture your audience's attention immediately.

Look at this straightforward software demo video by Reboo. It starts with the phrase, "Let's face it, editing your own website is a pain!", and immediately you're thinking, "You know what? You're absolutely right!"

And from there on, it's a matter of being able to retain their attention, which Reboo has again done beautifully. They haven't gone too far or too much with anything. 

It's an extremely simple video with a voiceover that does an amazing job of explaining the features and benefits of their software. It's further complemented with precise on-screen actions that go in par with the voiceover. 

Everything is understood clearly. 


You've just watched 15 of the best product demo videos of 2023. I hope you gained the inspiration you needed to make your very own killer product demo video. 

When you do make yours, I hope you have as much fun with it as you want your audience to feel watching it. 

Why Are Product Demo Videos Important?

Whether you want to show your customer how user-friendly your product is, or how efficient it is to use in real life, or simply want to show off some of the unique features your product offers, product demo videos are the way to go.

86% of people would like to see more videos from brands, out of which 14% want to see more product demos. That’s a huge number when you think about it.

And that makes it even more important to be able to stand out in the sea of videos on the internet. Your video has to be unique. It has to be engaging. It has to have a flawless blend of music, animations, and color. It has to hook your audience.

Here are the many reasons why product demo videos are so important for a business.

1. Offers an explicit understanding of the product

A good product is one that benefits the customer by solving an issue that they face. A product demo video gives you a chance to effectively show the customers why that is so.

It’s essentially a platform to showcase the product’s unique features and benefits, along with how to use the product, and how they solve the issues that they are aimed towards. 

2. Convinces people that product does what it says

Anyone can make claims that their product can do this or that, and as a result, has given rise to extremely skeptical customers.

Product demo videos are proof statements. It’s not just about telling them what your product can do, but more about showing them that it does what you claim it does. They provide the live demonstrations needed to convince your customers that your product is indeed the way to reach their desired outcome.

In fact, a whopping 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video!

3. Saves time, money, and resources

The traditional product demos using a sales rep can be expensive, what will all the salary, commission, travel, etc. It’s even more expensive when your product is aimed at foreign markets.

Product demo videos eliminate this. Sure, the initial cost of making the video can be expensive, but that’s a one-time investment. Once the video is made, you can use that for any occasion at any time and in any given area. All it needs is a link!

4. Introduce customers to new products with ease

This one proves our previous point. We are in the age of the internet. All it takes is a link to be able to watch the video.

It doesn’t matter where you or your customers are. It’s not difficult anymore. 

You could effortlessly introduce your customers to your new products with a video which can just as easily be shared via email, or across all the various social media platforms!

Things To Keep In Mind When Getting Your Product Demo Video

You can’t just create any old product demo video. No. It’s got to stand out. It’s got to reach out to your consumer base. Here’s what you need to consider if you want to make an outstanding product demo video.

1. Identify the goal

What is your key goal? 

Are you introducing new products to the clients? Is it a training tool for sales reps? Looking to educate customers? Or looking to raise brand awareness? 

Ask yourself what the end goal of this video is. This will directly influence the kind of content that needs to be included in the video as well as how you want to present it to them.

2. Identify your target audience

No product is aimed at a general audience. It’s all for specific people trying to find a solution for a specific problem. 

So, ask yourself, what is the buyer persona? Are you directing it to existing customers? Or are you trying to reach new, potential prospects? 

When you’ve figured out the kind of audience you’re aiming your content at, it becomes easier to mould the script and content in a way that suits them best. 

3. Find a structure 

In other words, how are you going to communicate with the audience?

There are a lot of ways to do it, but to be effective, you need to understand your audience and the kind of content they prefer. Storytelling is always a great method to connect with your audience, but it isn’t the only way. 

You could simply highlight audience pain points and offer solutions with the help of your product which is a surefire way to convert potential prospects. Or you could even simply use texts and visuals to make the video visually exciting and engaging. 

4. Show, don’t tell

People don’t want to watch a video just for you to tell them what they already read about. 

You need to show them that your claims are right and that your product is indeed the solution they’re looking for. You need to convince them, and that can only happen by giving proof.

Speaking of which, the most effective way to connect to your audience is to highlight how your product solves a particular issue they’re facing. That’s one of the main reasons why anyone buys anything, so make use of it. 

Solve their problems.

5. Decide the budget and timeline

Identify your budget and timeline to know how you have to proceed with the video. 

Remember, it doesn’t matter if the budget is high or low, as long as the video meets the standards and works the way it should on the audience. As for the timeline, set an achievable and realistic one. The video has to be the best possible , so decide according to the resources and expertise you have at your disposal.

6. Plan a distribution strategy

How are you going to share the video with your audience?

There are plenty of channels you could use for distribution – YouTube, Email Campaigns, Websites, and Social media platforms.

Emails are for more targeted audiences, whereas the rest are for the general public and have a massive reach. Nonetheless, all of them are super powerful tools to make sure your videos gain as much traction as possible.

7. Find the right video production agency

Remember, there are video production companies out there that are specifically qualified for a task such as this, and in many situations, handing it over to their expertise is the best option.

With that said, make sure you find a company that works best for you. That means research.

Study their portfolios. See if they have experience making similar videos to the style you’re looking for. Read their client and customer reviews. 

And if you’ve found one that suits you, pitch your idea to them and let them do what they do best!

Now, making a product demo video requires creativity and patience. That’s why I feel this compilation of the 15 best product demo videos will ignite your creative juices and get you going.

Demo videos have now become paramount in this age of videos, so do not take this lightly. It might be the difference you need for a successful product launch.

And hey, don’t worry! You are not alone in this journey. If you need any help in creating your very own killer product demo video, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our doors are always open, because videos are what we do!

best product demo video company is what a story
Vicasso started What a Story back in 2015 in a damp room with no lights. He is born with a third eye that can see what your business needs to hit the market with a bang.

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