October 19, 2024

Why Are Product Demo Videos Important?

Whether you want to show your customer how user-friendly your product is, or how efficient it is to use in real life, or simply want to show off some of the unique features your product offers, product demo videos are the way to go.

86% of people would like to see more videos from brands, out of which 14% want to see more product demos. That’s a huge number when you think about it.

And that makes it even more important to be able to stand out in the sea of videos on the internet. Your video has to be unique. It has to be engaging. It has to have a flawless blend of music, animations, and color. It has to hook your audience.

Here are the many reasons why product demo videos are so important for a business.

1. Offers an explicit understanding of the product

A good product is one that benefits the customer by solving an issue that they face. A product demo video gives you a chance to effectively show the customers why that is so.

It’s essentially a platform to showcase the product’s unique features and benefits, along with how to use the product, and how they solve the issues that they are aimed towards. 

2. Convinces people that product does what it says

Anyone can make claims that their product can do this or that, and as a result, has given rise to extremely skeptical customers.

Product demo videos are proof statements. It’s not just about telling them what your product can do, but more about showing them that it does what you claim it does. They provide the live demonstrations needed to convince your customers that your product is indeed the way to reach their desired outcome.

In fact, a whopping 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video!

3. Saves time, money, and resources

The traditional product demos using a sales rep can be expensive, what will all the salary, commission, travel, etc. It’s even more expensive when your product is aimed at foreign markets.

Product demo videos eliminate this. Sure, the initial cost of making the video can be expensive, but that’s a one-time investment. Once the video is made, you can use that for any occasion at any time and in any given area. All it needs is a link!

4. Introduce customers to new products with ease

This one proves our previous point. We are in the age of the internet. All it takes is a link to be able to watch the video.

It doesn’t matter where you or your customers are. It’s not difficult anymore. 

You could effortlessly introduce your customers to your new products with a video which can just as easily be shared via email, or across all the various social media platforms!

Remember, no body knows your product better than you. And no one knows getting it to your audience better than us.

Here are few Things To Keep In Mind When Getting Your Product Demo Video.

See you next time.


Vicasso started What a Story back in 2015 in a damp room with no lights. He is born with a third eye that can see what your business needs to hit the market with a bang.

CEO at What a Story
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