The first and foremost reason for using customer testimonial videos must be to set trust among your potential buyers. People are more likely to believe users like themselves than to trust a seller. If you believe that your product can solve people's problems, testimonial videos can provide tremendous growth.
Every good company wants their customer to know that other people have used their services before and are well satisfied. Video testimonials take this approach a level further. What written testimonials fail to deliver are conveyed on the video testimonials. It portrays facial expressions, tone, and emotions.
One of the most significant issues we all face as online buyers is the lack of human-to-human interaction. All we see are a bunch of products with a price tag and a list of features. It is hard to trust, let alone buy the item. As a customer, we all need assurance. As a seller, we need to provide that assurance to our customers.
Testimonials videos are excellent to create your brand image and provide more exposure to unchartered territories you were unsure of expanding into before. Exposure means more customer reach, meaning more leads and hence, more sales. Learn more in the FAQs section below.
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